April 13, 2003
(Photos and report by Walter
Nine people met for a meandering walk through the early spring
woods under a brilliantly clear blue sky. We didn't have a specific focus or
topic for the day, but rather we simply wandered the woods, discussing and
investigating whatever came up. |
A short ways up the trail we found some branches that had apparently
been cut as part of trail maintenance. We spent some time analyzing if
these were cut with a saw or a chain saw, by a right-handed or
left-handed person, how long ago, and so on.
There certainly weren't many signs of spring yet, at least in terms
of plants growing.
All we found were some hepatica buds (shown here), wild leeks
(only about 3" tall), and herb robert.
Not much wildlife or tracks either. Although we did find a
porcupine resting high up in a tree. And for awhile about 5 turkey
vultures circled high in the blue sky, maybe looking for lunch? |
bird highlights were a brown creeper, phoebe, and a beautiful red-tailed
hawk. |
We did some winter tree ID, with the usual discussions
and some disagreements about species. And we discussed forest
The tree shown here is butternut.
To learn more about identifying trees in
winter, please see the
Ontario Trees website.
We experimented with Tinder Fungus and False Tinder Fungus. Here is
a coal being carried in False Tinder Fungus, lit by a magnifying
To learn more about these funguses, please see the
Wildwood Survival website, Wilderness Survival - Fire - Tinder
Fungus section.
And we had discussions about fire-making methods.
To learn more about fire-making methods, please
see the Wildwood Survival website, Wilderness Survival - Fire
As we rambled about, we found some fallen oak galls. More
info on oak galls may be found here: http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/mnr/forests/foresthealth/pests/tree/oak.pdf
All in all, a peaceful and very educational day was had by everyone. Thank
you to everyone who came out and participated! |