May 30, 2004
"The Chase" video & other activities
(Photos and report by Walter
Nine people came to Walter & Julie's place for the day.
The topic for the day was not set in advance - it was left open for the
participants to decide what they were going to do.
First, we had a tour of Walter & Julie's backyard from a native plants
perspective (Walter has naturalized the backyard). Walter showed us what
he had done to naturalize the yard, and identified the plants for the
(For more info on this project, please see the
Leatherwood Trail website,
Naturalization section).
Then we all went inside for a while to watch "The Chase", which was
the show that Tom Brown and his instructors starred in, on Court TV in
the US not shown in Canada). For more info on this show, please see the
Wildwood Survival
website -
here. |
After a break for lunch, Brian gave us a flintknapping
demonstration. Some of us tried our hand at it.
(For more info on flintknapping, including more photos of this
demonstration, please see the
Wildwood Survival website,
Survival -
Flintknapping section). |
He also demonstrated use of the handdrill for making fire. Again, it
was an excellent opportunity for some who had never tried this
before to have a go at it. Many thanks to Brian!!
(For more info on the handdrill, please see the
Wildwood Survival website,
Survival -
Fire - Handdrill section). |
Later we went for a walk in a nearby wild area, and braved the
mosquitoes to identify and observe plants in a forest, marsh, and
swamp, including Poison Sumac. This is Water Arum in flower. |
Brian demonstrating to the group how to do the Foxwalk while
swatting mosquitoes. |
Thanks to all who came out to make this a very productive and enjoyable
day! |